Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do we follow the hamster or the panda?

Now for something completely new. Yesterday we had our Annual General Shareholders Meeting in Amsterdam. And we had a fantastic introduction to Corporate Responsibility through Friends of the Earth. They were hanging from the building, police was around, shareholders puzzled as to what those hamsters were actually talking about. It was soy my friend. And the Friends of the Earth totally disagrees with the World Wildlife Fund on this issue: how to promote sustainable produced soy. That is the question for today. Can the NGOs please agree on the direction they want to go, using the same kind of research data, coming out with a generally accepted opinion?
Now who do we follow my friends? Is it going to be the hamster or the panda?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fun, funnier, funniest

Yesterday we had another brainstorm (or breinstorm in Dutch) with De Vrolijkheid, the Foundation to Promote Cheerfullness. We were trying and we were succesfull in establishing a program for a joint Vrolijkheid/Ahold day of fun and pleasure for some 100 kids from asylum centers. Always a pleasure to be at their offices, enought good calories to eat and our ever engaged Simone (our Community leader) baked a lovely and tasty cake. Joop, our supposedly strict Internal Audit chief, was also present and handed over enough money to give three asylum center kids some days of fun over the year. What a pleasure it is to give, to have fun and to work at what you think is of value!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Community Center open at Westfalia Tzaneen, Limpopo, South Africa

That is the Albert Heijn Foundation ( Ge Happe, our European fruit and vegetables manager had the privilige to open up the community center at one of our suppliers, Westfalia. Westfalia produces mango's and avocado's. A very tangible result of the Foundation that invests in community projects in Africa. And Dorcas was also there, the Westfalia champion for community service. We go back a long time. I still miss them, after having spend so mucht time over at Tzaneen. "Are you doing the tour yourself Roland?"

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Foundation to Promote Cheerfulness

Yesterday I went to the opening ceremony of the Day of Fun of We are going to work with them and have fun! Go take a look at the small and brilliant exposition in the Public Library in Amsterdam if you are in town. The idea was to start off with 1000 and 1 encounters between refugee kids and guys and girls like me. I had the privilege to talk, joke and draw with Miski from Mogadishu. Just before she had been action as a stewardess in the opening play. Boy, could Miski laugh. I enjoyed every minute of it!